AI Lab





AI Lab: a one-stop shop to facilitate the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a real potential for innovation in several professional fields. This requires the need for tools and know-how essential to the implementation of different learning processes.

APY has created the AI Lab to simplify the adoption of AI and help you create a solution to integrate it into your business process.

Our concern? You propose a tailor-made offer adapted to the specific needs of your company. Whether you are at the beginning of your development or in production, we put at your disposal our expertise around Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Our experts advise, shape and accompany you to help you get the ideal AI solution.



A range of solutions and services for Artificial Intelligence (AI)



How to adopt artificial intelligence to transform your business?

The AI Lab experts will accompany you from idea to industrialization of your AI project. From qualification, to development, through the training of your teams, we are at your disposal to help you understand the potential of AI and thus enable the implementation of the solution.






An infrastructure for artificial intelligence tailored for you

Successful development of AI and putting it into production requires a powerful infrastructure. APY offers tailor-made storage and calculation solutions to help you get started and / or ramp up.






An ecosystem of validated partners

APY has built an ecosystem of validated and trusted partners. Our goal is to offer you software solutions and certified equipment. We involve our partners in all our projects in order to guarantee the customers the best performances.



Workshop to promote the adoption of artificial intelligence

We hold a one-day workshop every quarter to understand AI, its uses and potential. This interactive event offers the expertise and advice of specialists, startups and major players in the market. These days are intended to help you, to evolve your projects of integration of the IA in your business processes.










The company's data is a gold mine, often untapped, that artificial intelligence can enhance and make available to all.

Data is ubiquitous in today's business. Their volume and complexity are growing. The vast majority are little or not treated. Many companies are often overwhelmed by this gigantic mass of data without knowing how to exploit it.

A common situation that AI can evolve through Machine Learning and Deep Learning. The machine can extract more abstract information, create personalized interactions and automate processes to optimize the operation of the business.

Understand Machine Learning ?

Machine Learning is a subset of AI including techniques based on statistical learning. This allows a machine to adapt its behavior based on the analysis of the data at its disposal.




Qu’est-ce que l’IA ?

Comprendre l’apprentissage automatique (Machine Learning) ?



What is AI ?

Artificial intelligence (AI), is a set of techniques and algorithms for the development of complex computer programs, capable of simulating certain traits of human intelligence (reasoning, learning ...). This allows a computer to have the ability to analyze and make decisions that allow it to intelligently adapt and anticipate situations from data already acquired.

Understand Deep Learning ?

Deep Learning is a branch of Machine Learning that uses, as mathematical models, networks of formal and multilayer neurons, themselves built on the mathematical and computer representation of the human brain.